Bebekevi Textile, which started it's activities in 2006, continues to grow rapidly by adding new products every day since its establishment. Bebekevi continues production activities in it's 2000 m2 closed area in Turkey/Bursa. Our wholesale store has started to operate on Vişne Street, which also the center of the baby sector of Bursa. The product range appeals to the 0-6 year old Child and Mother / Baby Group. Such as Baby Bibs, Bathrobe Sets, Towel Groups, Baby Plastic Products, Baby Safety Products, Mother/Baby Groups. Bebekevi Textile, which produces in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry, prioritizes children's health. In the laboratory approved by the Ministry, we make health compliance tests for each product. We trade intensively in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Algeria. All rights of Bebekevi, Babydo, Papuçevi, Babyhome brands and products are reserved.